- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos
(carro) escape; tubo de escape
gás de escape; fumo de escape
descarga/emissão de gás de escape
verbo transitivo
exhaust fan
ventilador de aspiração
exhaust gas
gás de escape
exhaust pipe
tubo de escape
(automóvel) exhaust silencer
exhaust tube
tubo de descarga
exhaust valve
válvula de escape; válvula de saída
dual exhaust
escape duplo
to exhaust a subject
esgotar um assunto
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- means of communicationexhaustptesgotar uma edição
- ENVIRONMENTexhaustptaspirar
- ENVIRONMENT / mechanical engineeringexhaust gasptgás de escape, gás residual de escape
- construction and town planningexhaust air / extracted airptar extraído
- housingair exhaust / air extractptexaustão de ar
- land transport / TRANSPORTexhaust box / mufflerptsilencioso, panela de escape
- construction and town planning / building and public worksexhaust airptar saído para o exterior
- electronics and electrical engineeringexhaust air / exit airptar de saída, ar de exaustão
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresexhaust port / outlet portptabertura de saída dos fumos, queimador do lado dos fumos
- mechanical engineeringtail pipe / exhaust pipepttubo de escape
- chemical compoundexhaust port / exhaust off-takeptsaída de fumos, exaustor
- TRANSPORT / INDUSTRYexhaust pipe / EPpttubo de escape, EP
- mechanical engineeringturbine frame outer case / exhaust caseptcaixa de escape
- space transporttailpipe / exhaust pipeptcano de descarga, cano de escapamento
- electronics and electrical engineering / mechanical engineeringexhaust casing / exhaust hoodptcorpo de escape
- mechanical engineeringopen exhaustptescape livre
- mechanical engineeringexhaust lineptconduta de escape
- industrial structuresexhaust unitptaspirador
- building and public works / industrial structuresdust exhaustptaspirador de poeira, aspirador de serrim, extrator de poeira
- mechanical engineeringexhaust pipepttubo de escape
- mechanical engineeringexhaust portptfresta de escape, orifício de escape
- mechanical engineeringexhaust coneptcone de ejeção
- mechanical engineeringexhaust caseptcárter de escape
- space transportexhaust portptfresta de descarga, fresta de escape, orifício de escapamento
- TRANSPORT / land transport / mechanical engineeringexhaust coneptcone de escape
- land transport / life sciences / TRANSPORTexhaust trail / engine-exhaust trailptrasto do escape
- ENVIRONMENTplume / exhaust plumeptpenacho de fumo
- mechanical engineeringexhaust stack / stack pipepttubo de escape
- mechanical engineeringexhaust valve / outlet valveptválvula de escape
- electronics and electrical engineeringexhaust plumeptrasto provocado pelos escapes
- TRANSPORT / land transportexhaust coverptobturador de escape
- mechanical engineering / earth sciencesexhaust steamptvapor escape
- mechanical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTexhaust brakeptretardador
- INDUSTRYexhaust brakeptretardador
- land transportexhaust brakepttravão acionado pelo escape, retardador
- ENVIRONMENT / mechanical engineeringexhaust plumeptrasto emplumado de escape
- local exhaustptventilação local
- mechanical engineering / land transportexhaust systemptsistema de escape, dispositivo silencioso de escape
- mechanical engineeringexhaust stroke / scavenging strokeptcurso de escape
- mechanical engineering / air and space transportexhaust nozzlepttubeira de escape
- ENVIRONMENTexhaust deviceptdispositivo de escape, tubos de escape
- TRANSPORT / land transport / ENVIRONMENTrocket exhaustptgás de escape dos foguetes
- earth sciencesexhaust plasmaptplasma provocado pelos escapes
- mechanical engineeringexhaust systemptsistema de exaustão
- mechanical engineeringexhaust thrustptescape de impulso
- mechanical engineeringexhaust pipingpttubulação de escape
- mechanical engineeringexhaust strokepttempo de escape
- land transport / TRANSPORTexhaust shroudptcarenagem do escape
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – exhaust no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-01-17 23:36:32]. Disponível em
palavras vizinhas
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- means of communicationexhaustptesgotar uma edição
- ENVIRONMENTexhaustptaspirar
- ENVIRONMENT / mechanical engineeringexhaust gasptgás de escape, gás residual de escape
- construction and town planningexhaust air / extracted airptar extraído
- housingair exhaust / air extractptexaustão de ar
- land transport / TRANSPORTexhaust box / mufflerptsilencioso, panela de escape
- construction and town planning / building and public worksexhaust airptar saído para o exterior
- electronics and electrical engineeringexhaust air / exit airptar de saída, ar de exaustão
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresexhaust port / outlet portptabertura de saída dos fumos, queimador do lado dos fumos
- mechanical engineeringtail pipe / exhaust pipepttubo de escape
- chemical compoundexhaust port / exhaust off-takeptsaída de fumos, exaustor
- TRANSPORT / INDUSTRYexhaust pipe / EPpttubo de escape, EP
- mechanical engineeringturbine frame outer case / exhaust caseptcaixa de escape
- space transporttailpipe / exhaust pipeptcano de descarga, cano de escapamento
- electronics and electrical engineering / mechanical engineeringexhaust casing / exhaust hoodptcorpo de escape
- mechanical engineeringopen exhaustptescape livre
- mechanical engineeringexhaust lineptconduta de escape
- industrial structuresexhaust unitptaspirador
- building and public works / industrial structuresdust exhaustptaspirador de poeira, aspirador de serrim, extrator de poeira
- mechanical engineeringexhaust pipepttubo de escape
- mechanical engineeringexhaust portptfresta de escape, orifício de escape
- mechanical engineeringexhaust coneptcone de ejeção
- mechanical engineeringexhaust caseptcárter de escape
- space transportexhaust portptfresta de descarga, fresta de escape, orifício de escapamento
- TRANSPORT / land transport / mechanical engineeringexhaust coneptcone de escape
- land transport / life sciences / TRANSPORTexhaust trail / engine-exhaust trailptrasto do escape
- ENVIRONMENTplume / exhaust plumeptpenacho de fumo
- mechanical engineeringexhaust stack / stack pipepttubo de escape
- mechanical engineeringexhaust valve / outlet valveptválvula de escape
- electronics and electrical engineeringexhaust plumeptrasto provocado pelos escapes
- TRANSPORT / land transportexhaust coverptobturador de escape
- mechanical engineering / earth sciencesexhaust steamptvapor escape
- mechanical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTexhaust brakeptretardador
- INDUSTRYexhaust brakeptretardador
- land transportexhaust brakepttravão acionado pelo escape, retardador
- ENVIRONMENT / mechanical engineeringexhaust plumeptrasto emplumado de escape
- local exhaustptventilação local
- mechanical engineering / land transportexhaust systemptsistema de escape, dispositivo silencioso de escape
- mechanical engineeringexhaust stroke / scavenging strokeptcurso de escape
- mechanical engineering / air and space transportexhaust nozzlepttubeira de escape
- ENVIRONMENTexhaust deviceptdispositivo de escape, tubos de escape
- TRANSPORT / land transport / ENVIRONMENTrocket exhaustptgás de escape dos foguetes
- earth sciencesexhaust plasmaptplasma provocado pelos escapes
- mechanical engineeringexhaust systemptsistema de exaustão
- mechanical engineeringexhaust thrustptescape de impulso
- mechanical engineeringexhaust pipingpttubulação de escape
- mechanical engineeringexhaust strokepttempo de escape
- land transport / TRANSPORTexhaust shroudptcarenagem do escape
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – exhaust no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-01-17 23:36:32]. Disponível em
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