- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos
ato de passar a ferro, ato de engomar
to do the ironing
passar a ferro, engomar
ironing board
tábua de passar a ferro ou de engomar
Present participle do verbo iron
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- sexual mutilationbreast flattening / breast ironingptpassar os seios a ferro
- electronics and electrical engineeringelectric ironing machineptmáquina elétrica de passar roupa, máquina de passar a ferro elétrica
- industrial structuresselvedge ironing machineptmáquina de passar a ferro as ourelas
- ironing board covers [shaped]ptcoberturas de tábuas de engomar
- chemical elementironptferro
- wood industrycutter / knife / ironptfaca, lâmina, navalha, cutelo, ferro, cisel cortador
- mechanical engineeringsquare / ironptesquadria
- iron, steel and other metal industriesT-bar / T-ironptferro em T
- EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSironer / presserptengomador manual
- iron, steel and other metal industriesductile iron / ductile cast iron / nodular cast iron / nodular iron / SG iron / spheroidal graphite cast iron / SG cast iron / spheroidal graphite iron / spherulitic graphite ironptferro fundido nodular, gusa com grafite esferoidal, ferro dúctil, ferro fundido de grafite esferoidal, ferro fundido de grafite esferulítica
- industrial structuresto ironpttirar rugas
- human rights / public safetyleg iron / leg-ironptimobilizador da perna
- iron, steel and other metal industriespig ironptgusa
- INDUSTRYpig iron / cast ironptferro fundido de segunda fusão, gusa
- iron and steel industry / international tradepig ironptgusa
- iron oreiron oreptminério de ferro
- iron, steel and other metal industriesflake-graphite cast iron / cast iron with flake graphite / grey cast iron / gray cast iron / grey iron / lamellar graphite cast iron / cast iron with lamellar graphite / GJL / grey lamellar graphite cast ironptferro fundido cinzento, ferro fundido estriado
- cultural policy / iron, steel and other metal industriescast ironptferro fundido
- iron, steel and other metal industriesshot iron / cold shot / entrapped cold shotptgota fria
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIEShoop-iron / strip-iron / strap-ironptarcos
- electronics and electrical engineeringcore loss / iron lossptperda no núcleo
- chemical compoundmilori blue / iron blueptazul da Prússia
- electronics and electrical engineering / earth sciencesiron-clad / shieldedptblindado
- iron, steel and other metal industriesbase ironptferro fundido de base
- medical sciencehaem ironptferro heme
- iron, steel and other metal industriesiron marlptmarga ferruginosa
- iron, steel and other metal industriesbeta ironptferro beta
- mechanical engineeringiron tireptbandagem de ferro
- iron, steel and other metal industriesiron wireptfio de ferro
- iron, steel and other metal industries / chemistryiron saltptsal de ferro
- mechanical engineeringiron ringptcoroa em ferro
- materials technologyiron spotptpontos negros de ferro
- iron, steel and other metal industriescore crab / core rod / core wire / core grid / core ironptarmadura
- health / social problemcold turkey / iron cureptressaca a frio
- electronics and electrical engineeringiron lossptperda no ferro
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTsheet iron / sheet plate / steel plate / sheet / steel sheetptchapa
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresde-ironizing / de-ironing / removal of ironptremoção de ferro, desferrização
- mechanical engineeringiron wheel / rigid wheel / steel wheelptroda metálica, roda de ferro
- iron, steel and other metal industries / ENVIRONMENTscrap iron / ferrous scrapptdetritos de ferro
- iron, steel and other metal industriessheet metal / sheet ironptmetal branco
- ENVIRONMENTiron scrapptsucata de ferro
- iron, steel and other metal industriesgamma ironptferro gama
- iron, steel and other metal industriesalpha ironptferro alfa
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresiron slipsptréguas de vazamento, réguas de escorrimento para o cilindro
- iron, steel and other metal industries / building and public workscross ironptferro em cruz
- mining product / mineralogy / industrial structuresiron pyrite / fool's gold / pyriteptpirite
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresproof rod / dip rod / trying ironptvareta de prova, cordelina, vareta de ensaio
- iron, steel and other metal industriesiron powderptferro macio em pó
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – ironing no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-12-09 19:52:14]. Disponível em
veja também
palavras vizinhas
palavras parecidas
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- sexual mutilationbreast flattening / breast ironingptpassar os seios a ferro
- electronics and electrical engineeringelectric ironing machineptmáquina elétrica de passar roupa, máquina de passar a ferro elétrica
- industrial structuresselvedge ironing machineptmáquina de passar a ferro as ourelas
- ironing board covers [shaped]ptcoberturas de tábuas de engomar
- chemical elementironptferro
- wood industrycutter / knife / ironptfaca, lâmina, navalha, cutelo, ferro, cisel cortador
- mechanical engineeringsquare / ironptesquadria
- iron, steel and other metal industriesT-bar / T-ironptferro em T
- EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSironer / presserptengomador manual
- iron, steel and other metal industriesductile iron / ductile cast iron / nodular cast iron / nodular iron / SG iron / spheroidal graphite cast iron / SG cast iron / spheroidal graphite iron / spherulitic graphite ironptferro fundido nodular, gusa com grafite esferoidal, ferro dúctil, ferro fundido de grafite esferoidal, ferro fundido de grafite esferulítica
- industrial structuresto ironpttirar rugas
- human rights / public safetyleg iron / leg-ironptimobilizador da perna
- iron, steel and other metal industriespig ironptgusa
- INDUSTRYpig iron / cast ironptferro fundido de segunda fusão, gusa
- iron and steel industry / international tradepig ironptgusa
- iron oreiron oreptminério de ferro
- iron, steel and other metal industriesflake-graphite cast iron / cast iron with flake graphite / grey cast iron / gray cast iron / grey iron / lamellar graphite cast iron / cast iron with lamellar graphite / GJL / grey lamellar graphite cast ironptferro fundido cinzento, ferro fundido estriado
- cultural policy / iron, steel and other metal industriescast ironptferro fundido
- iron, steel and other metal industriesshot iron / cold shot / entrapped cold shotptgota fria
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIEShoop-iron / strip-iron / strap-ironptarcos
- electronics and electrical engineeringcore loss / iron lossptperda no núcleo
- chemical compoundmilori blue / iron blueptazul da Prússia
- electronics and electrical engineering / earth sciencesiron-clad / shieldedptblindado
- iron, steel and other metal industriesbase ironptferro fundido de base
- medical sciencehaem ironptferro heme
- iron, steel and other metal industriesiron marlptmarga ferruginosa
- iron, steel and other metal industriesbeta ironptferro beta
- mechanical engineeringiron tireptbandagem de ferro
- iron, steel and other metal industriesiron wireptfio de ferro
- iron, steel and other metal industries / chemistryiron saltptsal de ferro
- mechanical engineeringiron ringptcoroa em ferro
- materials technologyiron spotptpontos negros de ferro
- iron, steel and other metal industriescore crab / core rod / core wire / core grid / core ironptarmadura
- health / social problemcold turkey / iron cureptressaca a frio
- electronics and electrical engineeringiron lossptperda no ferro
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTsheet iron / sheet plate / steel plate / sheet / steel sheetptchapa
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresde-ironizing / de-ironing / removal of ironptremoção de ferro, desferrização
- mechanical engineeringiron wheel / rigid wheel / steel wheelptroda metálica, roda de ferro
- iron, steel and other metal industries / ENVIRONMENTscrap iron / ferrous scrapptdetritos de ferro
- iron, steel and other metal industriessheet metal / sheet ironptmetal branco
- ENVIRONMENTiron scrapptsucata de ferro
- iron, steel and other metal industriesgamma ironptferro gama
- iron, steel and other metal industriesalpha ironptferro alfa
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresiron slipsptréguas de vazamento, réguas de escorrimento para o cilindro
- iron, steel and other metal industries / building and public workscross ironptferro em cruz
- mining product / mineralogy / industrial structuresiron pyrite / fool's gold / pyriteptpirite
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresproof rod / dip rod / trying ironptvareta de prova, cordelina, vareta de ensaio
- iron, steel and other metal industriesiron powderptferro macio em pó
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – ironing no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-12-09 19:52:14]. Disponível em
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