- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos
nome masculino
genitivo: Ofens
plural: Öfen
(zum Heizen) aquecedor masculino, radiador masculino
(zum Kochen, Backen) forno masculino, fornalha feminino
forno masculino industrial
regionalismo (Kochherd)
fogão masculino da cozinha
coloquial der Ofen ist aus
coloquial (Auto, Motorrad) ein heißer Ofen
uma bomba
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriesKammer / Ofen / Koksofenkammer / Ofenkammer / Koksofen / Verkokungskammerptcâmara do forno de coque, forno
- ENVIRONMENTOfenptfogões, fogão
- ENVIRONMENTOfenptfornos
- iron, steel and other metal industrieskippbarer Ofen / Kippofenptforno basculante
- administrative lawerwärmter Ofenptestufa aquecida
- chemical industrybestehender Prozessofen / bestehender Ofenptforno existente, fornalha de processo existente, forno industrial existente
- mechanical engineeringrotierender Ofenptforno rotativo
- thermal equipmentversiegelter Ofenptforno estanque
- metallurgical industrygeschlossener Ofenptforno fechado
- iron, steel and other metal industriesfeststehender Ofen / Schoepfofenptforno de fundição fixo
- industrial structuresoelgefeuerter Ofenptforno a fuelóleo
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresVerstaubung im Ofenptarrastamento de poeiras no forno
- electronics and electrical engineering / iron, steel and other metal industriesvon oben chargierter Ofen / korbbeschickter Ofenptforno de carga superior
- iron, steel and other metal industriesmetallurgischer Ofenptreator metalúrgico
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundRostofen / Ofen mit Rostfeuerung / Ofen mit direkter Beheizungptforno de aquecimento direto
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / industrial structuresniederländischer Ofenptforno holandês
- electronics and electrical engineering / iron, steel and other metal industriesOfen mit Königszapfenptforno de suporte girante
- electronics and electrical engineering / iron, steel and other metal industriesOfen mit schwenkbarem Gewölbe / Ofen mit Schwenkdeckel / Schwenkdeckelofen / Ofen mit abschwenkbarem Gewölbeptforno de abóbada basculante
- iron, steel and other metal industriesKettenförderofen / Ofen mit Foerderkettenptforno contínuo de correntes transportadoras, forno de transporte por cadeia
- chemical compound / industrial structuresOfen mit Tauchbrennernptforno de combustão submersa, forno com queimador imerso
- chemical compound / industrial structuresOfen mit Strahlflammenptforno de injeção de chamas
- chemical compound / industrial structuresdirekt gefeuerter Ofenptforno de aquecimento directo
- waste incineration / water pollutionOfen mit festem Gitterptforno com grelha fixa
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriesOfen mit Stampfbetriebptforno para carga comprimida,
- electronics and electrical engineering / iron, steel and other metal industriesOfen mit Schwenkzapfenptforno giratório, forno de aríete
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresStirnbrennerofen / Ofen mit Hufeisenflamme / U-Flammenofenptforno com chama em ferradura, forno com chama em U
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESKokskorb / brikettsgeheitzter Ofenptbraseira
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundindirekt beheizter Ofen / indirekt erwärmter Ofenptforno de chama indireta
- chemical compound / industrial structuresOfen mit Deckenbrennernptforno com queimadores na abóbada
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundOfen mit Außenbeheizungptforno de paredes aquecidas
- thermal equipmentindirekt befeuerter Ofenptforno de aquecimento indireto
- electronics and electrical engineering / iron, steel and other metal industriesOfen mit drehbarem Gefäß / Ofen mit drehbarer Ofenwanneptforno de arco de cuba giratória
- iron, steel and other metal industriesdiskontinuierlicher Ofenptforno descontínuo
- chemical compound / industrial structuresOfen mit Wechselfeuerungptforno de aquecimento intermitente
- chemical compound / industrial structuresOfen mit Konstantfeuerungptforno de aquecimento contínuo
- waste incinerationOfen mit kippbarem Gitterptforno com grelha basculante
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundOfen mit beweglichem Herdptforno de soleira móvel
- chemical compound / industrial structuresOfen für zwei Brennstoffeptforno para dois combustíveis, forno convertível para dois combustíveis
- electronics and electrical engineering / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESOfen für gemahlenes Strohptcaldeira a palha triturada
- electronics and electrical engineeringOfen mit Transportschneckeptforno de parafuso sem-fim
- chemical compound / industrial structuresOfen mit Unterbankfeuerungptforno com injetores sob os queimadores
- communicationsOfen mit Thermostatregelungptforno termostático
- electronics and electrical engineering / iron, steel and other metal industriesOfen mit ausfahrbarem Gefäßptforno de arco de cuba móvel
- electronics and electrical engineeringOfen für konvektive Erwärmungptforno de convecção
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundOfen mit angebautem Generatorptforno com gasogénio incorporado
- electronics and electrical engineering / iron, steel and other metal industriesOfen mit ausfahrbarem Gewölbeptforno de abóbada móvel
- electronics and electrical engineering / iron, steel and other metal industriesum die Schnauze kippbarer Ofenptbasculamento à volta do pico de fusão
- electronics and electrical engineeringOfen mit geringer Wärmeträgheitptforno de baixa inércia térmica
- iron, steel and other metal industriesOfen fuer unterbrochenen Betriebptforno descontínuo
- iron, steel and other metal industriesOfen mit ueberwachter Atmosphaereptforno com atmosfera controlada
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – Ofen no Dicionário infopédia Alemão - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-08 01:12:45]. Disponível em
palavras vizinhas
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriesKammer / Ofen / Koksofenkammer / Ofenkammer / Koksofen / Verkokungskammerptcâmara do forno de coque, forno
- ENVIRONMENTOfenptfogões, fogão
- ENVIRONMENTOfenptfornos
- iron, steel and other metal industrieskippbarer Ofen / Kippofenptforno basculante
- administrative lawerwärmter Ofenptestufa aquecida
- chemical industrybestehender Prozessofen / bestehender Ofenptforno existente, fornalha de processo existente, forno industrial existente
- mechanical engineeringrotierender Ofenptforno rotativo
- thermal equipmentversiegelter Ofenptforno estanque
- metallurgical industrygeschlossener Ofenptforno fechado
- iron, steel and other metal industriesfeststehender Ofen / Schoepfofenptforno de fundição fixo
- industrial structuresoelgefeuerter Ofenptforno a fuelóleo
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresVerstaubung im Ofenptarrastamento de poeiras no forno
- electronics and electrical engineering / iron, steel and other metal industriesvon oben chargierter Ofen / korbbeschickter Ofenptforno de carga superior
- iron, steel and other metal industriesmetallurgischer Ofenptreator metalúrgico
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundRostofen / Ofen mit Rostfeuerung / Ofen mit direkter Beheizungptforno de aquecimento direto
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / industrial structuresniederländischer Ofenptforno holandês
- electronics and electrical engineering / iron, steel and other metal industriesOfen mit Königszapfenptforno de suporte girante
- electronics and electrical engineering / iron, steel and other metal industriesOfen mit schwenkbarem Gewölbe / Ofen mit Schwenkdeckel / Schwenkdeckelofen / Ofen mit abschwenkbarem Gewölbeptforno de abóbada basculante
- iron, steel and other metal industriesKettenförderofen / Ofen mit Foerderkettenptforno contínuo de correntes transportadoras, forno de transporte por cadeia
- chemical compound / industrial structuresOfen mit Tauchbrennernptforno de combustão submersa, forno com queimador imerso
- chemical compound / industrial structuresOfen mit Strahlflammenptforno de injeção de chamas
- chemical compound / industrial structuresdirekt gefeuerter Ofenptforno de aquecimento directo
- waste incineration / water pollutionOfen mit festem Gitterptforno com grelha fixa
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriesOfen mit Stampfbetriebptforno para carga comprimida,
- electronics and electrical engineering / iron, steel and other metal industriesOfen mit Schwenkzapfenptforno giratório, forno de aríete
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresStirnbrennerofen / Ofen mit Hufeisenflamme / U-Flammenofenptforno com chama em ferradura, forno com chama em U
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESKokskorb / brikettsgeheitzter Ofenptbraseira
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundindirekt beheizter Ofen / indirekt erwärmter Ofenptforno de chama indireta
- chemical compound / industrial structuresOfen mit Deckenbrennernptforno com queimadores na abóbada
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundOfen mit Außenbeheizungptforno de paredes aquecidas
- thermal equipmentindirekt befeuerter Ofenptforno de aquecimento indireto
- electronics and electrical engineering / iron, steel and other metal industriesOfen mit drehbarem Gefäß / Ofen mit drehbarer Ofenwanneptforno de arco de cuba giratória
- iron, steel and other metal industriesdiskontinuierlicher Ofenptforno descontínuo
- chemical compound / industrial structuresOfen mit Wechselfeuerungptforno de aquecimento intermitente
- chemical compound / industrial structuresOfen mit Konstantfeuerungptforno de aquecimento contínuo
- waste incinerationOfen mit kippbarem Gitterptforno com grelha basculante
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundOfen mit beweglichem Herdptforno de soleira móvel
- chemical compound / industrial structuresOfen für zwei Brennstoffeptforno para dois combustíveis, forno convertível para dois combustíveis
- electronics and electrical engineering / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESOfen für gemahlenes Strohptcaldeira a palha triturada
- electronics and electrical engineeringOfen mit Transportschneckeptforno de parafuso sem-fim
- chemical compound / industrial structuresOfen mit Unterbankfeuerungptforno com injetores sob os queimadores
- communicationsOfen mit Thermostatregelungptforno termostático
- electronics and electrical engineering / iron, steel and other metal industriesOfen mit ausfahrbarem Gefäßptforno de arco de cuba móvel
- electronics and electrical engineeringOfen für konvektive Erwärmungptforno de convecção
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundOfen mit angebautem Generatorptforno com gasogénio incorporado
- electronics and electrical engineering / iron, steel and other metal industriesOfen mit ausfahrbarem Gewölbeptforno de abóbada móvel
- electronics and electrical engineering / iron, steel and other metal industriesum die Schnauze kippbarer Ofenptbasculamento à volta do pico de fusão
- electronics and electrical engineeringOfen mit geringer Wärmeträgheitptforno de baixa inércia térmica
- iron, steel and other metal industriesOfen fuer unterbrochenen Betriebptforno descontínuo
- iron, steel and other metal industriesOfen mit ueberwachter Atmosphaereptforno com atmosfera controlada
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – Ofen no Dicionário infopédia Alemão - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-08 01:12:45]. Disponível em
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