- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos
- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos
penhor; fiança; caução
fiador; abonador
verbo transitivo
garantir; assegurar
ficar por fiador de
guarantee fund
fundo de garantia
ECONOMIA guarantee of a bill of exchange
aval duma letra
to be guaranteed for
ter uma garantia de
ECONOMIA to guarantee a bill of exchange
avalizar uma letra
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- public contracttender security / security / tender guarantee / guaranteeptgarantia de concurso, garantia associada à proposta, caução
- banking / credit policysurety / guaranteeptgarantia, aval
- public contractguaranteeptgarantia
- preparation for market / FINANCEdeed of contract / guarantee agreement / contract involving a guarantee / contract of guarantee / contract of guaranty / guarantee / guarantyptcontrato de caução, caução, garantia
- EU financingEU budget guarantee / EU guaranteeptgarantia da UE, garantia do orçamento da UE
- FINANCEto be someone's guarantor / to stand surety / to stand surety to / to go bail for / to guarantee / to act as surety / to go surety / to secure / to stand securityptcaucionar, prestar uma fiança, constituir-se garante
- FINANCE / insuranceguarantee fee / guarantee commissionptcomissão de garantia
- materials technologysafeguarding cap / protecting cap / guarantee cappttampa de segurança, tampa protetora
- FINANCEa call on a guarantee / guarantee callptacionar uma garantia
- cooperation policy / EU financeEuropean Union guarantee for the European Fund for Sustainable Development / EFSD GuaranteeptGarantia FEDS
- FINANCEloan guaranteeptgarantia de empréstimo
- FINANCEbank guaranteeptgarantia bancária
- banking / credit policybill of exchange guarantee / aval / bill guaranteeptresponsabilidade garantida por aval
- insuranceguarantee fundptfundo de garantia
- insuranceguarantee fundptfundo de garantia
- public finance and budget policyguarantee fundptfundo de garantia
- FINANCEdebt guaranteeptgarantia de empréstimos
- SOCIAL QUESTIONS / FINANCEguarantee fundptfundo de garantia
- employment / education / youth employmentYouth Guarantee / youth guarantee scheme / YGptGarantia para a Juventude
- social protection / children's rightsEuropean Child Guarantee / Child GuaranteeptGarantia Europeia para a Infância, Garantia para a Infância
- ECONOMICS / FINANCE / financial institutions and creditgovernment guarantee / State guaranteeptgarantia do Estado, cobertura do Estado
- European Union law / LAWlegal guaranteeptgarantia jurídica
- FINANCEprice guarantee / stock price guaranteeptgarantia de preço
- EUROPEAN UNION / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESguarantee levelptnível de garantia
- trade policy / financial institutions and creditguarantee on demand / first demand guarantee / on-demand guarantee / demand guaranteeptgarantia automática, garantia autónoma automática, garantia à primeira solicitação
- labour marketSkills Guaranteeptgarantia de competências
- customs regulationsguarantee waiverptdispensa de garantia
- insurance / FINANCEguarantee schemeptsistema de garantia, regime de garantia
- FINANCEcredit guarantee / credit default guaranteeptgarantia de crédito
- FINANCEcheque guarantee / bank chequeptcheque bancário
- FINANCEguaranteed credit / guarantee creditptcrédito contra caução
- insuranceincome guaranteeptgarantia de rendimentos
- FINANCEguarantee creditptcrédito de aval
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / European Union / FINANCEcredit guaranteeptgarantia de crédito
- LAW / FINANCEmutual guaranteeptgarantia mútua
- EU financingEU guarantee fund / EFSIGF / EFSI Guarantee FundptFundo de Garantia do FEIE, fundo de garantia da UE, FG do FEIE, FGFEIE
- financial institutions and creditdeposit insurance / deposit guarantee / deposit protectionptseguro de depósitos
- FINANCE / insuranceguarantee capital / initial capital / initial fundptcapital inicial
- FINANCE / business organisationcompany limited by guarantee / guarantee companyptsociedade de responsabilidade limitada por garantia
- insurancegeneral average guarantee / average guaranteeptgarantia de avaria grossa
- insurancesalvage guaranteeptgarantia de salvamento
- tariff policy / FINANCEguarantee voucherpttítulo de garantia
- FINANCEguarantee capitalptcapital de garantia
- LAW / FINANCEremoval guaranteeptgarantia dita de levantamento
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Como referenciar
Porto Editora – guarantee no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-10-07 02:03:10]. Disponível em
palavras vizinhas
palavras parecidas
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- public contracttender security / security / tender guarantee / guaranteeptgarantia de concurso, garantia associada à proposta, caução
- banking / credit policysurety / guaranteeptgarantia, aval
- public contractguaranteeptgarantia
- preparation for market / FINANCEdeed of contract / guarantee agreement / contract involving a guarantee / contract of guarantee / contract of guaranty / guarantee / guarantyptcontrato de caução, caução, garantia
- EU financingEU budget guarantee / EU guaranteeptgarantia da UE, garantia do orçamento da UE
- FINANCEto be someone's guarantor / to stand surety / to stand surety to / to go bail for / to guarantee / to act as surety / to go surety / to secure / to stand securityptcaucionar, prestar uma fiança, constituir-se garante
- FINANCE / insuranceguarantee fee / guarantee commissionptcomissão de garantia
- materials technologysafeguarding cap / protecting cap / guarantee cappttampa de segurança, tampa protetora
- FINANCEa call on a guarantee / guarantee callptacionar uma garantia
- cooperation policy / EU financeEuropean Union guarantee for the European Fund for Sustainable Development / EFSD GuaranteeptGarantia FEDS
- FINANCEloan guaranteeptgarantia de empréstimo
- FINANCEbank guaranteeptgarantia bancária
- banking / credit policybill of exchange guarantee / aval / bill guaranteeptresponsabilidade garantida por aval
- insuranceguarantee fundptfundo de garantia
- insuranceguarantee fundptfundo de garantia
- public finance and budget policyguarantee fundptfundo de garantia
- FINANCEdebt guaranteeptgarantia de empréstimos
- SOCIAL QUESTIONS / FINANCEguarantee fundptfundo de garantia
- employment / education / youth employmentYouth Guarantee / youth guarantee scheme / YGptGarantia para a Juventude
- social protection / children's rightsEuropean Child Guarantee / Child GuaranteeptGarantia Europeia para a Infância, Garantia para a Infância
- ECONOMICS / FINANCE / financial institutions and creditgovernment guarantee / State guaranteeptgarantia do Estado, cobertura do Estado
- European Union law / LAWlegal guaranteeptgarantia jurídica
- FINANCEprice guarantee / stock price guaranteeptgarantia de preço
- EUROPEAN UNION / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESguarantee levelptnível de garantia
- trade policy / financial institutions and creditguarantee on demand / first demand guarantee / on-demand guarantee / demand guaranteeptgarantia automática, garantia autónoma automática, garantia à primeira solicitação
- labour marketSkills Guaranteeptgarantia de competências
- customs regulationsguarantee waiverptdispensa de garantia
- insurance / FINANCEguarantee schemeptsistema de garantia, regime de garantia
- FINANCEcredit guarantee / credit default guaranteeptgarantia de crédito
- FINANCEcheque guarantee / bank chequeptcheque bancário
- FINANCEguaranteed credit / guarantee creditptcrédito contra caução
- insuranceincome guaranteeptgarantia de rendimentos
- FINANCEguarantee creditptcrédito de aval
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / European Union / FINANCEcredit guaranteeptgarantia de crédito
- LAW / FINANCEmutual guaranteeptgarantia mútua
- EU financingEU guarantee fund / EFSIGF / EFSI Guarantee FundptFundo de Garantia do FEIE, fundo de garantia da UE, FG do FEIE, FGFEIE
- financial institutions and creditdeposit insurance / deposit guarantee / deposit protectionptseguro de depósitos
- FINANCE / insuranceguarantee capital / initial capital / initial fundptcapital inicial
- FINANCE / business organisationcompany limited by guarantee / guarantee companyptsociedade de responsabilidade limitada por garantia
- insurancegeneral average guarantee / average guaranteeptgarantia de avaria grossa
- insurancesalvage guaranteeptgarantia de salvamento
- tariff policy / FINANCEguarantee voucherpttítulo de garantia
- FINANCEguarantee capitalptcapital de garantia
- LAW / FINANCEremoval guaranteeptgarantia dita de levantamento
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – guarantee no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-10-07 02:03:10]. Disponível em
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