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(tecido) mescla
FARMÁCIA preparado
FARMÁCIA cough mixture
xarope da tosse
explosive mixture
mistura explosiva
rich mixture
carburação rica
smoking mixture
mistura de vários tipos de tabaco
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- chemistryadmixture / chemical mixture / mixtureptmistura
- alcoholic beveragemixture / mixed spirit drinkptmistura, bebida espirituosa de mistura
- chemistrypreparation / mixtureptpreparação, mistura
- means of communicationpie / jumble / mixtureptpastel
- materials technologymixtureptmistura de combustível
- applied sciences / chemistry / building and public worksraw meal / cement raw meal / raw mix / raw mixtureptfarinha, cru
- ENVIRONMENTgas mixtureptmistura de gás
- special chemicals / coal and mining industriesANFO mixture / ammonium nitrate-fuel oil blasting agent / AN/FO / ammonium nitrate-fuel oil mixture / ammonium nitrate - fuel oil / ammonium nitrate/fuel oil / ammonium nitrate fuel oil / ammonium nitrate and fuel oil / ANFO / ammonium nitrate/fuel oil explosiveptANFO, nitrato de amónio e combustível
- mechanical engineeringweak mixture / lean mixture / poor mixtureptmistura pobre
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESseed mixture / seed blendptmistura de sementes
- industrial structuresunion yarn / mixture yarnptfio mesclado, fio misto
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / life sciencessoil mixtureptmistura de terra
- iron, steel and other metal industriesacid mixtureptmistura ácida
- natural and applied sciences / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESlime mixtureptleite de cal
- mechanical engineeringrich mixtureptmistura rica
- materials technologyrich mixtureptmistura rica
- space transportlean mixtureptmistura pobre
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresmix / batch mixture / charge / glass batch / batchptmistura vitrificável, composição
- earth sciences / life sciencescolour blending / colour mixtureptmistura de cores
- forestryclonal mixtureptmistura clonal
- mechanical engineeringmixture controlptregulador da mistura
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / life sciencesspecial mixtureptmistura especial
- mechanical engineeringmixture settingptafinação da mistura
- mechanical engineering / earth sciencescooling mixtureptmistura arrefecedora
- chemistryprimary mixtureptmistura primária
- materials technologymixture of coalptmistura de carvão
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundLPG-air mixtureptmistura ar/GPL
- space transportmixture controlptcorretor altimétrico, corretor de combustível, comando de mistura
- building and public worksasphalt mix / bitumen mixtureptmistura betuminosa
- mechanical engineering / chemical compoundmixture controlptregulador da mistura
- chemistrygas/air mixtureptmistura gás/ar
- chemical compound / means of agricultural productionBordeaux mixtureptcalda bordalesa, sulfato calda
- chemistryeutectic composition / eutectic mixture / eutectic material / eutecticpteutéctico, mistura eutéctica
- mechanical engineering / earth scienceseutectic mixtureptmistura eutéctica
- mechanical engineering / earth sciencesfreezing mixtureptmistura congeladora
- ENVIRONMENTmixture of wastesptmistura de resíduos
- chemical compound / building and public workscold-laid mixtureptmistura colocada a frio
- mechanical engineeringsaturated mixtureptmistura saturada
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIEStemporary mixtureptconsociação temporária
- materials technology / mechanical engineering / chemical compound / physical sciencesconstant boiling mixture / CBM / azeotropic mixture / azeotropeptmistura azeotrópica, azeotrópico
- chemistry / healthmixture in mixture / MIMptmistura em mistura, MIM
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundCWM / coal-water mixtureptmistura de água e carvão
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundbutane-air mixtureptar butanado
- coal industry / chemical compoundexplosible mixtureptmistura explosiva
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESclover mixture hayptfeno misto de gramíneas e leguminosas
- electronics and electrical engineering / earth scienceswet vapour / wet steam / two-phase fluid / steam/water mixtureptvapor húmido
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIEStree-by-tree mixture / individual-tree mixture / single-tree mixtureptmistura pé a pé, consociação pé a pé
- coal industrymethane-air mixtureptmistura grisutosa
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – mixture no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-10-03 14:14:12]. Disponível em
palavras vizinhas
palavras parecidas
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- chemistryadmixture / chemical mixture / mixtureptmistura
- alcoholic beveragemixture / mixed spirit drinkptmistura, bebida espirituosa de mistura
- chemistrypreparation / mixtureptpreparação, mistura
- means of communicationpie / jumble / mixtureptpastel
- materials technologymixtureptmistura de combustível
- applied sciences / chemistry / building and public worksraw meal / cement raw meal / raw mix / raw mixtureptfarinha, cru
- ENVIRONMENTgas mixtureptmistura de gás
- special chemicals / coal and mining industriesANFO mixture / ammonium nitrate-fuel oil blasting agent / AN/FO / ammonium nitrate-fuel oil mixture / ammonium nitrate - fuel oil / ammonium nitrate/fuel oil / ammonium nitrate fuel oil / ammonium nitrate and fuel oil / ANFO / ammonium nitrate/fuel oil explosiveptANFO, nitrato de amónio e combustível
- mechanical engineeringweak mixture / lean mixture / poor mixtureptmistura pobre
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESseed mixture / seed blendptmistura de sementes
- industrial structuresunion yarn / mixture yarnptfio mesclado, fio misto
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / life sciencessoil mixtureptmistura de terra
- iron, steel and other metal industriesacid mixtureptmistura ácida
- natural and applied sciences / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESlime mixtureptleite de cal
- mechanical engineeringrich mixtureptmistura rica
- materials technologyrich mixtureptmistura rica
- space transportlean mixtureptmistura pobre
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresmix / batch mixture / charge / glass batch / batchptmistura vitrificável, composição
- earth sciences / life sciencescolour blending / colour mixtureptmistura de cores
- forestryclonal mixtureptmistura clonal
- mechanical engineeringmixture controlptregulador da mistura
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / life sciencesspecial mixtureptmistura especial
- mechanical engineeringmixture settingptafinação da mistura
- mechanical engineering / earth sciencescooling mixtureptmistura arrefecedora
- chemistryprimary mixtureptmistura primária
- materials technologymixture of coalptmistura de carvão
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundLPG-air mixtureptmistura ar/GPL
- space transportmixture controlptcorretor altimétrico, corretor de combustível, comando de mistura
- building and public worksasphalt mix / bitumen mixtureptmistura betuminosa
- mechanical engineering / chemical compoundmixture controlptregulador da mistura
- chemistrygas/air mixtureptmistura gás/ar
- chemical compound / means of agricultural productionBordeaux mixtureptcalda bordalesa, sulfato calda
- chemistryeutectic composition / eutectic mixture / eutectic material / eutecticpteutéctico, mistura eutéctica
- mechanical engineering / earth scienceseutectic mixtureptmistura eutéctica
- mechanical engineering / earth sciencesfreezing mixtureptmistura congeladora
- ENVIRONMENTmixture of wastesptmistura de resíduos
- chemical compound / building and public workscold-laid mixtureptmistura colocada a frio
- mechanical engineeringsaturated mixtureptmistura saturada
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIEStemporary mixtureptconsociação temporária
- materials technology / mechanical engineering / chemical compound / physical sciencesconstant boiling mixture / CBM / azeotropic mixture / azeotropeptmistura azeotrópica, azeotrópico
- chemistry / healthmixture in mixture / MIMptmistura em mistura, MIM
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundCWM / coal-water mixtureptmistura de água e carvão
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundbutane-air mixtureptar butanado
- coal industry / chemical compoundexplosible mixtureptmistura explosiva
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESclover mixture hayptfeno misto de gramíneas e leguminosas
- electronics and electrical engineering / earth scienceswet vapour / wet steam / two-phase fluid / steam/water mixtureptvapor húmido
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIEStree-by-tree mixture / individual-tree mixture / single-tree mixtureptmistura pé a pé, consociação pé a pé
- coal industrymethane-air mixtureptmistura grisutosa
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – mixture no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-10-03 14:14:12]. Disponível em
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