- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
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- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos
(entretenimento) contratação
booking clerk
empregado da bilheteira
booking office
to make a booking
efetuar uma reserva
Present participle do verbo book
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTbooking hall / entrance hallptátrio de entrada
- EUROPEAN UNION / FINANCEfinal bookingptimputação definitiva
- humanitiesgroup bookingptreserva de grupo
- land transport / TRANSPORTbooking office / ticket officeptbilheteira
- humanitiestheatre bookingptreserva de bilhetes para o teatro
- ENERGY / energy supplybooking platform / capacity booking platform / secondary capacity booking platformptplataforma de reserva, plataforma de reserva de capacidade
- communications policy / information technology and data processingbooking operatorptoperadora de anotação
- FINANCEbooking of expenditureptimputação de despesas
- communicationsPBC / programme booking centre / programme booking center / controlling serviceptcentro de reserva de programas
- FINANCEbooking of expenditures to the accounts on the basis of advances which are assigned to the year in questionptcontabilização dos adiantamentos considerados no exercício
- means of communication / humanitiesbookptlivros, livro, monografia
- information technology and data processingbookptlivro
- documentation / information technology and data processingebook / digital book / electronic book / e-bookptlivro digital, livro eletrónico
- pharmaceutical industryE-bookptÍndice diagnóstico
- medical scienceE-bookptíndice diagnóstico
- preparation for market / education / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSto enter / to record / to bookptlançar
- administrative law / land transportregistration certificate / vehicle registration certificate / log book / VRC / vehicle licence / vehicle licensing certificate / V5C / vehicle log book / vehicle registration documentptdocumento único automóvel, certificado de matrícula, DUA, certificado de matrícula do veículo
- air transportlog-book / air log / flight log / log book / logbookptregisto de voo, livro de registo
- means of communicationABC / ABC book / first readerptABC, cartilha
- fisherieslog-book / logptdiário de bordo
- information technology and data processing / humanitieslog-bookptdiário de operação
- European Union / maritime transportBlue Book / Blue Paper / An Integrated Maritime Policy for the European UnionptUma política marítima integrada para a União Europeia
- livestock farmingstud-book / studbookptlivro genealógico de raça equina
- livestock farmingherdbook / herd-bookptlivro genealógico de raça bovina
- financial institutions and credit / FINANCEloan portfolio / loan bookptcarteira de empréstimos
- preparation for marketwaste book / memo book / waste-bookptlivro borrão, memorial
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationscopy-book / signature / exercise bookptcaderno
- preparation for market / FINANCEcash-book / cash bookptcaixa, livro-caixa
- means of communicationbook card / loan cardptficha de empréstimo
- preparation for marketbill book / tickler fileptregisto de vencimentos
- means of communicationyear book / annualptanuário
- financial institutions and creditloan book / loan portfolioptcarteira de créditos, carteira de empréstimos
- preparation for marketbill bookptregisto de letras a pagar, registo de letras a receber
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksbook liftptmonta-livros
- information technology and data processingcode bookptlivro de código
- preparation for marketbook lossptprejuízo contabilístico
- industrial structuresnote bookptagenda
- means of communicationbook clubptclube do livro
- data processing / information technology and data processingbook sizepttamanho de livro
- means of communicationrare bookptlivro raro
- means of communicationbook cardptficha do livro requisitado
- means of communicationsong bookptcancioneiro
- Fiscal and budgetary law / accountingbook value / net book valueptvalor contabilístico
- financing and investment / accountingbook value / accounting value / carrying value / balance sheet valueptvalor contabilístico, VC, valor de balanço
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – booking no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-09-18 19:57:25]. Disponível em
palavras vizinhas
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTbooking hall / entrance hallptátrio de entrada
- EUROPEAN UNION / FINANCEfinal bookingptimputação definitiva
- humanitiesgroup bookingptreserva de grupo
- land transport / TRANSPORTbooking office / ticket officeptbilheteira
- humanitiestheatre bookingptreserva de bilhetes para o teatro
- ENERGY / energy supplybooking platform / capacity booking platform / secondary capacity booking platformptplataforma de reserva, plataforma de reserva de capacidade
- communications policy / information technology and data processingbooking operatorptoperadora de anotação
- FINANCEbooking of expenditureptimputação de despesas
- communicationsPBC / programme booking centre / programme booking center / controlling serviceptcentro de reserva de programas
- FINANCEbooking of expenditures to the accounts on the basis of advances which are assigned to the year in questionptcontabilização dos adiantamentos considerados no exercício
- means of communication / humanitiesbookptlivros, livro, monografia
- information technology and data processingbookptlivro
- documentation / information technology and data processingebook / digital book / electronic book / e-bookptlivro digital, livro eletrónico
- pharmaceutical industryE-bookptÍndice diagnóstico
- medical scienceE-bookptíndice diagnóstico
- preparation for market / education / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSto enter / to record / to bookptlançar
- administrative law / land transportregistration certificate / vehicle registration certificate / log book / VRC / vehicle licence / vehicle licensing certificate / V5C / vehicle log book / vehicle registration documentptdocumento único automóvel, certificado de matrícula, DUA, certificado de matrícula do veículo
- air transportlog-book / air log / flight log / log book / logbookptregisto de voo, livro de registo
- means of communicationABC / ABC book / first readerptABC, cartilha
- fisherieslog-book / logptdiário de bordo
- information technology and data processing / humanitieslog-bookptdiário de operação
- European Union / maritime transportBlue Book / Blue Paper / An Integrated Maritime Policy for the European UnionptUma política marítima integrada para a União Europeia
- livestock farmingstud-book / studbookptlivro genealógico de raça equina
- livestock farmingherdbook / herd-bookptlivro genealógico de raça bovina
- financial institutions and credit / FINANCEloan portfolio / loan bookptcarteira de empréstimos
- preparation for marketwaste book / memo book / waste-bookptlivro borrão, memorial
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationscopy-book / signature / exercise bookptcaderno
- preparation for market / FINANCEcash-book / cash bookptcaixa, livro-caixa
- means of communicationbook card / loan cardptficha de empréstimo
- preparation for marketbill book / tickler fileptregisto de vencimentos
- means of communicationyear book / annualptanuário
- financial institutions and creditloan book / loan portfolioptcarteira de créditos, carteira de empréstimos
- preparation for marketbill bookptregisto de letras a pagar, registo de letras a receber
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksbook liftptmonta-livros
- information technology and data processingcode bookptlivro de código
- preparation for marketbook lossptprejuízo contabilístico
- industrial structuresnote bookptagenda
- means of communicationbook clubptclube do livro
- data processing / information technology and data processingbook sizepttamanho de livro
- means of communicationrare bookptlivro raro
- means of communicationbook cardptficha do livro requisitado
- means of communicationsong bookptcancioneiro
- Fiscal and budgetary law / accountingbook value / net book valueptvalor contabilístico
- financing and investment / accountingbook value / accounting value / carrying value / balance sheet valueptvalor contabilístico, VC, valor de balanço
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – booking no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-09-18 19:57:25]. Disponível em
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